ISTE Presentation, 2013 - San Antonio, Texas
Gayle Berthiaume, Gayle Berthiaume Consulting LLC with Camilla Gagliolo and Rita Mortenson
Share the voice of your students with the world. Learn how to access resources and publish an iBooks Author book for viewing on an iPad.
My Global Voice: Publishing with iBooks Author
Why is it essential that our students share their writing locally and globally? In Educating for Global Competence: Preparing Our Youth to Engage the World (Asia Society, 2011) Veronica Boix Mansilla and Anthony Johnson state “The growing global interdependence that characterizes our time calls for a generation of individuals who can engage in effective global problem solving and participate simultaneously in local, national, and global civic life.” Mansilla and Johnson also explain “Globally competent individuals are aware, curious, and interested in learning about the world and how it works. They can use the big ideas, tools, methods, and languages that are central to any discipline (mathematics, literature, history, science, and the arts) to engage the pressing issues of our time. They deploy and develop this expertise as they investigate such issues, recognizing multiple perspectives, communicating their views effectively, and taking action to improve conditions.”
Many organizations, including the International Society for Technology in Education and the Partnership for 21st Century Skills have spelled out standards expected of students, teachers, and administrators to thrive in today’s global society. ( (
The sharing of stories and knowledge, locally and globally, allows for support and feedback and for the development of shared understanding and global support. It is now easier than ever to share the voice of your students with the world. The free Mac app, iBooks Author, is an exciting new tool that allows you and your students to design and publish their stories and knowledge.This BYOD session will guide you through resources and strategies for creating an iBook with iBooks Author. It will help you to understand and use the tool with your students to create writing with a professional look to share with the world.
Gayle Berthiaume, Gayle Berthiaume Consulting LLC with Camilla Gagliolo and Rita Mortenson
Share the voice of your students with the world. Learn how to access resources and publish an iBooks Author book for viewing on an iPad.
My Global Voice: Publishing with iBooks Author
Why is it essential that our students share their writing locally and globally? In Educating for Global Competence: Preparing Our Youth to Engage the World (Asia Society, 2011) Veronica Boix Mansilla and Anthony Johnson state “The growing global interdependence that characterizes our time calls for a generation of individuals who can engage in effective global problem solving and participate simultaneously in local, national, and global civic life.” Mansilla and Johnson also explain “Globally competent individuals are aware, curious, and interested in learning about the world and how it works. They can use the big ideas, tools, methods, and languages that are central to any discipline (mathematics, literature, history, science, and the arts) to engage the pressing issues of our time. They deploy and develop this expertise as they investigate such issues, recognizing multiple perspectives, communicating their views effectively, and taking action to improve conditions.”
Many organizations, including the International Society for Technology in Education and the Partnership for 21st Century Skills have spelled out standards expected of students, teachers, and administrators to thrive in today’s global society. ( (
The sharing of stories and knowledge, locally and globally, allows for support and feedback and for the development of shared understanding and global support. It is now easier than ever to share the voice of your students with the world. The free Mac app, iBooks Author, is an exciting new tool that allows you and your students to design and publish their stories and knowledge.This BYOD session will guide you through resources and strategies for creating an iBook with iBooks Author. It will help you to understand and use the tool with your students to create writing with a professional look to share with the world.